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The TF88 TOS-Standards-Code of Conduct (TSC) is in place to make sure that you (as a TF88 Operator) will adhere to:

1. Supporting, demonstrating/promoting, encouraging and upholding TF88 Principles, Objectives, Core Values and Standards at ALL times no matter where you are online (i.e.: PSN, TF88 Games/Parties, TF88 Operators Site, PSN Community Forums):

(a) Being a family-friendly non-competitive PS4 gaming clan that plays for fun and the love of gaming…since it is just a game;

(b) Supporting, demonstrating/promoting, encouraging and upholding the core values of esprit de corps (Solidarity, Camaraderie, Loyalty, and Honor), Integrity, Fun and Fair play; this strengthens points C, D and E…

(c) Having a fun time in a friendly, respectful and relaxed gaming atmosphere FREE from pressure of winning, kill-death ratios, judgment, trash-talking, potty mouths, cyberbullying and cheating;

(d) Developing a strong close family-gaming community where TF88 Operators: get to know each other, feel they belong, have camaraderie, and encouraging, supporting and helping one another no matter the skill level;

(e) Supporting, demonstrating/promoting and encouraging good team: spirit, sportsmanship, communication, gameplay and tactics;

(f) Dedicated to playing, supporting and promoting military (tactical) shooters (with co-op (PVE) being the focus): The Division, Rainbow Six Siege and Ghost Recon Wildlands (and future games like Navy Seals).

2. Keeping TF88 reputation in good standing and you are a good member of the PSN gaming community…once the [TF88] Clan Tags are on you represent TF88 and the rest of us at ALL times no matter where you are online (i.e.: PSN, TF88 Games/Parties, TF88 Operators Site, PSN Community Forums);

3. Understanding what is expected of you (as TF88 Operator), and to make sure ALL TF88 Operators Support, demonstrate/promote, encourage and uphold the same TF88 Principles, Objectives, Core Values and Standards; thereby, adhering to the TF88 TOS-Standards-Code of Conduct (TSC) at ALL times (including any new future Amendments) which is of the following…


You are NOT a TF88 Operator until:

• The TF88 CO has approved you as a TF88 Operator; AND

• You are register on the TF88 Operators Site (using your PSN ID for username) and adhere to the TF88 TOS-Standards-Code of Conduct (TSC); AND

• You MUST: (a) Register on Supported TF88 Game Clan Sites; OR (b) Accept in game (Supported) TF88 Game Clan invites that applies to you; thereby/and, making surel (c) Your [TF88] Clan Tags are added and displayed on ALL (Supported) TF88 Games at ALL times; AND

• You have resigned from all (competitive, formal, casual) clans, guilds, squads, teams, groups, communities or organizations before officially being accepted into TF88 if applies.



• You MUST: (a) Be MATURE and 15 years of age and older; (b) From CANADA, USA or UK; (c) Have PSN Plus (only play on 1 PSN Plus account); (d) Have a headset/mic; (e) Have THE DIVISION;

• Be NICE, RESPECTFUL and BEHAVE with dignity, honor, integrity and TF88 Operators will be treated equal no matter skill Level, age, gender, race/culture, beliefs, disability…etc; **

• You MUST be ACTIVE and COMMUNICATE on a REGULAR basis and make TF88 a priority (which includes but not limited to):

(a) Sending/Accepting TF88 Game/Party invites;

(b) Making an effort to showing up and playing TF88 Games with TF88 Operators as a clan (i.e.: The Division, Rainbow Six Siege, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Star Wars Battlefront, Uncharted 4);

(c)Responding to TF88 Operators messages;

(d) Sending PSN FRs to new TF88 Recruit Operators;

(e) Active on the TF88 Operators Site;

(f) Responding to survey questions (i.e.: TF88 Games Surveys).

If you are NOT: Active, communicating and/or making TF88 a priority on REGULAR basis you will be considered INACTIVE (MIA), and approximately after 60 days if you are still INACTIVE (MIA) you will be REMOVED from TF88 without warning;

• You are willing to lend a hand to help TF88 Operators if/when possible (i.e.: Leveling up, completing missions, ps4 trophies);

• Be a good sportsman, play FAIR and NICE; therefore, If you are taking part or encourage others to so the following (which includes but not limited to) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED in PVE/PVP: **

(a) Trash talking;

(b) Complaining/whining;

(c) Grieving others;

(d) T-bagging;

(e) Spawn camping, sniping and trapping;

(f) Weapons/loot and points hoarding/stealing from TF88 Operators/Allied Team Members (Non-TF88 Operators, TF88 Applicants);

(g) Aim/trigger bots and lag switchers;

(h) Intentionally team killing (betraying/going rogue) of TF88 Operators/Allied Team Members (Non-TF88 Operators, TF88 Applicants);

(i) Kill stealing;

(j) Intentionally Interfering/disrupting gameplay and cheating/cheesing (in order to obtain an advantage over other gamers, beat the game and/or win matches) (NOTE: Cheating/Cheesing is: hacking, tampering, modifying and glitching of any game and its content, using modified controllers and/or consoles, cheat codes (unless everyone has access to codes). TF88 CO has FINAL SAY what is cheating/cheesing!;

• You have NO interests playing competitively and/or CANNOT be part of another (competitive, formal, casual) gaming clan, guild, squad, team, group, community or organization that play the games we support/play on any gaming platform (no matter if you play on two or more PSN Plus accounts). If this applies to you…you will need to resign from all clans, guilds, squads, teams, groups, communities or organizations before officially being accepted into TF88 or to keep your TF88 Membership. The TF88 CO has FINAL SAY;

• You MUST keep swearing/cursing to a minimum; therefore potty mouths and trash talkers WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!; **

• Judging and being critical of others (i.e.: Gaming skills), Cyberbullying (i.e.: Harassing, (verbal) abusing, intimidating, threating, bashing of character, name-shaming-calling out, stalking), and any offensive/inappropriate, hateful, vulgar trash talking, discussions/topics and hate speech WILL NOT BE TOLERATED!; **

• Creating/having a PSN ID and/or Profile(i.e.: Avatar, About Me) that is offensive/inappropriate WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! You will be asked create a NEW PSN ID and/or change your profile and if NOT you will be reported to the PSN Compliance Team, and you will be BANNED TF88 without warning.


Supported TF88 Games:

• THE DIVISION, RAINBOW SIX SIEGE and GHOST RECON WILDLANDS (and future games like Navy Seals) are Supported TF88 Games that are:

(a) The (permanent) foundation and focus of TF88;

(b) Military (Tactical) Shooter with co-op (PVE) being the focus;

(c) Dedicated to be supported/played and the priority (over Non-supported TF88 Games);

(d) Recruited/Promoted;

(e) Adding & Displaying [TF88] Clans Tags are mandatory;


(a) You MUST have THE DIVISION (current/newest game with all major expansions/dlc);

(c) Shooting at NON-ALLIED players at extraction points in dark zones (PVP) is permitted (based on mutual agreement among TF88 Operators present in THE DIVISION TF88 game sessions);

(c) Intentionally killing TF88 Operators and/for stealing weapons/loot among TF88 Operators WILL NOT BE TOLERATED in dark zones (PVP); therefore, weapons/loot drops in dark zones (PVP) will be distributed equally (based on mutual agreement) among TF88 Operators present in THE DIVISION TF88 game sessions); **

(d) Intentionally killing allied team members (Non-TF88 Members, TF88 Applicants) and/for stealing weapons/loot among allied team members in the dark zones (PVP) WILL NOT BE TOLERATED; unless, they fire the first shot and you are defending yourself; therefore, in this case it is justifiable to kill and steal their weapons/loot; **

(e) TF88 Operators should give other TF88 Operators first chance to trade among each other before trading with Non-TF88 Operators (i.e. Randoms, Family, Friends, Former TF88 Operators) and TF88 Applicants;

• Make an effort to show up and play TF88 Games that applies to you (i.e.: The Division, Rainbow Six Siege, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Star Wars Battlefront, Uncharted 4) with TF88 Operators as a clan on REGULAR basis;

• You MUST: (a) Register on Supported TF88 Game Clan Sites; OR (b) Accept in game (Supported) TF88 Game Clan invites that applies to you; thereby/and, making sure; (c) Your [TF88] Clan Tags are added and displayed on ALL (Supported) TF88 Games at ALL times. If [TF88] Clan Tags are REMOVED you will be considered resigned and REMOVED from TF88 without warning. **


TF88 Games/Parties: **

• You (and TF88 Applicants) have the priority to receive TF88 Games/Parties invites and play/join TF88 Games/Parties over Non-TF88 Operators (i.e. Randoms, Family, Friends, Former TF88 Operators) when TF88 Game/Parties are full;

• First come first served basis no matter TF88 Rank;

• Everyone should NOT be talking at once and let others have a chance to speak;

• When leaving the TF88 Game/Party or have to deal with interruptions let everyone know;

• NO distractions, disrupting or interruptions that will take away from the concentration, fun and enjoyment of conversation and gaming (i.e.: Voice boxes, whistling, humming, singing and playing (loud) music, screaming/yelling). If you are distracting/disrupting you will be asked to setup a separate TF88 Game/Party;

• To determine to play (a different scheduled/unscheduled) a TF88 Game (i.e.: Before or during mid-game) we ask there is mutual agreement among TF88 Operators present in TF88 Game/Parties;

• TF88 Games are Non-Supported/Supported games of any game mode (i.e.: PVP, PVE) that TF88 Operators play together as a clan that are: (i) Open/Private; (ii) Scheduled/Unscheduled; (iii) Hosted, managed/overseen and monitored by a TF88 Game/Party Host with any number of TF88 Operators present;

• TF88 Officers (highest ranking present) and TF88 Game/Party Host/Moderators (if TF88 Officers are NOT present) in TF88 Games/Parties has FINAL SAY to:

(a) Grant permission to sending TF88 Game/Party invites to Non-TF88 Operators (i.e. Friends, Family, Former TF88 Operators) when TF88 Game/Parties are NOT full;

(b) Determine when TF88 Games/Parties are: (i) Open (to the public); (ii) Private - TF88 Operators/Applicants and Non-TF88 Operators (i.e. Friends, Family, Former TF88 Operators); (iii) Private TF88 Operators/Applicants only; therefore, Non-TF88 Operators will be asked to leave (at the end of the current mission/level) (NOTE: This applies to overriding the original scheduled TF88 Game privacy setup);

(c) When to follow TF88 Game/Party TF88 Violations, Conflicts, Issues/Concerns & Support SOP (i.e.: Ask the offensive Gamer/TF88 Operator to politely “Stop or leave the TF88 Game/Party”, Give warnings to the offensive Gamer/TF88 Operator (i.e.: You will be kick/boot from TF88 Game/Party, Ask the TF88 Game/Party Host to kick/boot Gamer/TF88 Operator from the TF88 Game/Party if not leaving);

(d) Ask TF88 Operators to setup a separate TF88 Game/Party when there are distractions, disrupting or interruptions;



• You should keep your PSN TF88 Operators List, PSN and TF88 Account/Profile current/updated (i.e.: New E-mail Address, new PSN ID, new Supported TF88 Games: List & User Groups); therefore…;

• You MUST contact (link to contact page) the TF88 Executive of anything important (i.e.: New E-mail Address, new PSN ID, purchased new Supported TF88 Games, potential TF88 Applicants or TF88 Applicants issues/concerns, requesting/going or coming back from ON LEAVE, about a serious TF88 Violation, Conflicts and Issues/Concerns) (NOTE: If you are ON LEAVE but did NOT communicate to the TF88 CO you will be considered INACTIVE (MIA));

• DO NOT change your TF88 Rank Avatar on the TF88 Operators Site;

• DO NOT give out any personal information (i.e.: Phone number. E-mail)about yourself or other TF88 Operators; unless: (a) Permission has been granted by yourself or TF88 Operator in question; (b) Required by the TF88 Executive for TF88 communication purposes;

• Approximately after 30 days you will be promoted to TF88 Operator Rank (Regular TF88 Member);


Removal of TF88 Operators:

The TF88 CO has FINAL SAY to REMOVE TF88 Operators from TF88 without warning (which includes but not limited to): If you are:

• INACTIVE (MIA) over approximately 60 days; thereby, NOT: Active, communicating and/or making TF88 a priority on REGULAR basis (i.e.: NOT sending/accepting TF88 Game/Party invites, NOT making an effort to showing up and playing TF88 Games (i.e.: The Division, Rainbow Six Siege, Ghost Recon Wildlands, Star Wars Battlefront, Uncharted 4) with TF88 Operators as a clan, NOT responding to TF88 Operators messages, NOT sending PSN FRs to new TF88 Recruit Operators);

• ON LEAVE (OL) over approximately 60 days;

• Resigned from TF88 on good terms and/or [TF88] Clan Tags are removed (i.e.: Lack of time due to family, work or school obligations; (Want to) belong to another gaming clan);

• Just not the right fit (i.e.: Too competitive, not a team player, too many minor violations, poor communication, play on 2 or more PSN Plus accounts);


Banning of TF88 Operators:

The TF88 CO has FINAL SAY to BAN TF88 Operators without warning for serious (one or more new/repeated) TF88 Violations, Conflicts and Issues/Concerns contrary to the TF88 TOS-Standards-Code of Conduct (TSC) and PSN Code of Conduct no matter where you are online (i.e.: PSN, TF88 Games/Parties, TF88 Operators Site, PSN Community Forums). If you are taking part or encourage others to do the following (which includes but not limited to):

• NOT getting along with TF88 Operators;

• A cyberbully (i.e.: Harassing, (verbal) abusing, intimidating, threating, slandering/bashing of character, name-shaming-calling out, stalking);

• Using offensive/inappropriate, hateful, vulgar trash talking, discussions/topics and hate speech;

• A potty mouth and trash talker;

• Gaming jerk (i.e.: Being very disrespectful, seriously judging/critizing TF88 Operators (skill level), spreading rumors and talking badly about TF88 Operators);

• Drama queen and complainer/whiner;

• Resigned on bad terms;

• NOT being a good sportsmen, NOT being FAIR or NICE (i.e.: Trash talking, complaining/whining, grieving others, t-bagging, spawn camping, sniping and trapping, weapons/loot and points hoarding/stealing from TF88 Operators/Allied Team Members (Non-TF88 Operators, TF88 Applicants), intentionally team killing (betraying/going rogue) of TF88 Operators/Allied Team Members (Non-TF88 Operators, TF88 Applicants), kill stealing, intentionally Interfering/disrupting gameplay and cheating/cheesing);

• Have a PSN ID and/or Profile (i.e.: Avatar, About Me) that is offensive/inappropriate and you do not create a NEW PSN ID and/or change your profile);

• Giving out personal Information (i.e.: Phone number, E-mail) to another person outside of TF88 about your/other TF88 Operators without your/their permission without your/their permission and is considered a threat to you/other TF88 Operators);

• Hacking, tampering or modifying, damaging and/or interfering/disrupting any computer/server, account, hardware, software, network/site, service or gameplay;

• Involved in any unlawful activities that violate any local, state or federal laws (i.e.: Invasion of privacy, identity theft, stealing, hate crime, scamming, baiting and phishing, cyberbullying, hacking/tampering, fraud, providing false information, impersonating another person);

• Promoting and distributing any materials/content (i.e: Verbal, text, images, videos, links) by an means possible (i.e.: e-mailing, posting/uploading, pm) (which includes not limited to): (a) Advertising/Soliciting (i.e.: Spam, junk mail, chain letters, baiting, phishing); (b) Offensive/inappropriate, hateful, or vulgar (i.e.: Graphic violence, pornography/sexuality/nudity, hate crime); (c) Downloadable harmful files (i.e.: Worms, viruses, links, malware, spyware, time bombs).

Being BANNED from TF88 means your TF88 Membership (including all rights and privileges) has been revoked and: (i) (You will be asked to remove) Your [TF88] Clan Tags will need to be removed; (ii) You will NOT be allowed in TF88 Games/Parties; (iii) You will NOT be welcomed back; (iv) Depending on the severity or nature of the violations you will be reported to the PSN Compliance Team.

no-cheat no-cyper-bulling

Updated: JUNE 15, 2015